Membership of NEFRA is open to all, regardless of whether you have a flatcoated retriever or not. To join all we ask is that you have a keen interest in the breed and adhere to our constitution and rules and be aware of our Code of Ethics.

Our Membership Application Form asks for applicants to name a proposer and a seconder to support their application. These both need to be fully paid up members of the association (for full details see the membership section of the rules).
Annual reminders are not sent to members, so to make be sure your membership is renewed annually please send a Standing Order Mandate 2024 to your bank.
Memberships accepted by the committee on or after October 1st will be considered active until the end of the following year.
Online Banking | Membership Rates 2025 |
You may use your bank’s online banking service to set up a standing order: Sort Code 52 – 30 – 29 Account Number 13015486 In the name of Northern England Flatcoated Retriever Association Quoting Reference – Your initials and surname Repeat payment annually on January 1st | Single £10 Joint £15 Overseas Single £14 / Joint £20 Senior citizen (over 60) £7 / Joint £12 Gamekeeper/ Junior £6 |