NEFRA members help run gundog events at the CLA Game Fair
The CLA thanked NEFRA members for helping run their gundog events at the recent game fair. Special thanks go to Cherry Wood for her organisation at this event.
photos and report by Cherry Wood
The Game Fair 2009 was held at Belvoir Castle and NEFRA was invited to provide stewards for a new working test to be held on Friday July 24th.
Some of you may have heard of Joan Hayes whose father, Edgar Winter started the Staindrop prefix 80yrs ago, and she wished to honour this by presenting a Challenge Trophy.
This test is an invitation team event consisting of 1 retriever, 1 spaniel and an HPR. Because of the uniqueness of this test, putting it together was a challenge in itself.
Initially I was only required to find stewards, but soon got involved in setting the tests. As retriever folks it soon became apparent we needed help with spaniel work and especially the HPR’s
After a lot of hard work by the main organisers and myself the day went very well, the judges were very helpful and our NEFRA stewards in their special shirts did an excellent job helping to make the day a huge success.
We all enjoyed this event so much it was suggested that NEFRA could put a team together for next year.Although there were no Flatcoats in this test there were a few in the Euro Challenge held on the same day, and also the Saturday and Sunday mornings. At both these events a flatcoat won best individual in the minor breeds.
There was a lovely little liver 2yr old bitch in the demonstrating team for Hearing Dogs. Her heel work was a joy to watch! Yes folks ‘flatties’ can walk to heel!
I look forward to seeing some of you having a go at working your dogs. Till then have fun whatever you do with your Flatcoats.