Author Archives: FlatcoatChris

NEFRA Shared Venue Open and Championship Dog Shows – York

In a first for NEFRA we hosted two shows in one day at one venue.

Held at: The Exhibition Hall, York Auction Centre, York on 5th May 2024

Championship Show Judge Mrs Helen Fox ( Blacktoft)
Fully Marked-Up Catalogue.
Judge’s Critique

Open Show Judge Miss Abby Bellamy (Moontorn)
Fully Marked-Up Catalogue
Judge’s Critique

Our Championship Show major award winners were as follows:

Best In Show77 – Windyhollows English Holly at Llantrussa, (Mrs Ca & Mrs L Price & Nicholls)
Reserve Best In Show44 – Sh Ch Braemist Witches Fire, (Miss L S Jones)
Best Opposite Sex107 – Lizzlog Shotgun Harry JW (Mrs L Walker)
Best Puppy in Show101 – Levliann Big Bang, (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Veteran in Show22 – Hoedun Alexandra of Denmark, (Mr P Dunnett)
Best Liver in Show103 – Levliann Waited for You, (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Special Working in Show63 – Ronevorg Dark Angel at Lussac JW Kcwgc, (Mrs S May)
Dog Challenge Certificate107 – Lizzlog Shotgun Harry JW (Mrs L Walker)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate33 – Ronevorg I Believe in Santa at Montechor (Mrs M Hessing)
Bitch Challenge Certificate77 – Windyhollows English Holly at Llantrussa (Mrs Ca & Mrs L Price & Nicholls)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate44 – Sh Ch Braemist Witches Fire (Miss L S Jones)
Best Puppy Dog101 – Levliann Big Bang (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Veteran Dog48 – Stranfaer Get over It JW (Mr D & Mrs K Joyce)
Best Liver Dog103 – Levliann Waited for You (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Special Working Dog63 – Ronevorg Dark Angel at Lussac JW Kcwgc (Mrs S May)
Best Puppy Bitch106 – Lizzlog Naughty Nun at Night (Mrs L Walker)
Best Veteran Bitch22 – Hoedun Alexandra of Denmark (Mr P Dunnett)
Best Liver Bitch54 – Gemswin Goody Two Shoes (Mrs S, Mrs G & Mr M Knight & Jacobs)
Best Special Working Bitch62 – Lussac Winter Witch JW Sgwc (Mrs S May)

Our Open Show major award winners were as follows:

Best In Show66 – Hopevalley Morning Wicked, (Mrs M E Romeo-Dieste)
Reserve Best In Show83 – Lizzlog Tittle Tattle, (Miss H S Walker)
Best Opposite Sex in Show90 – Bitcon Alliance with Bluewaters (ai) JW, (Mrs J Wild)
Best Puppy in Show72 – Steelriver Isle View Pippet, (Miss S Stevenson)
Best Veteran in Show71 – Sh Ch Plainfire’s The Captain of My Heart Is Steelriver (Imp Che) ShCEx, (Miss S Stevenson)
Best Liver in Show82 – Levliann Waited for You, (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Working in Show40 – Ch Moonstruck Macadamia Sgwc, (Mrs S, Mrs G & Mr M Knight & Jacobs)
Best Dog90 – Bitcon Alliance with Bluewaters (ai) JW (Mrs J Wild)
Best Bitch66 – Hopevalley Morning Wicked (Mrs M E Romeo-Dieste)
Reserve Best Dog41 – Kulawand Callisto (Mr & Mrs R S & Mrs P Lane & Lane-Ridyard)
Reserve Best Bitch83 – Lizzlog Tittle Tattle (Miss H S Walker)
Best Puppy72 – Steelriver Isle View Pippet (Miss S Stevenson)
Best Puppy Dog80 – Levliann Big Bang (Mrs L Varty-Lindsay)
Best Puppy Bitch72 – Steelriver Isle View Pippet (Miss S Stevenson)

Joyce Ryder

NEFRA was sorry to hear of the death yesterday of Joyce Ryder. She was a member of our committee for a number of years and also held the office of show secretary for the Association.

Joyce is pictured here at our first championship show in 2008

It was Joyce who introduced the NEFRA Pup of the Year competitions and she organised these on our behalf for many years.

The committee and membership send our thoughts and condolences to her husband Arnold.

Good Citizen Testing Day

NEFRA held a KC Good Citizen Testing Day on Saturday 23rd March at a venue in Fritchley, Derbyshire

Fueled by coffee and cake, participants, both members, and non-members alike, engaged in bronze and silver assessments on the grounds provided by Paula Goulette. It’s worth noting that the cake and coffee served surpassed even NEFRA’s high standards, adding an extra touch of enjoyment to the proceedings.

Our assessor for the day was Helen Chambers.

Dogs that passed the bronze assessment were Amanda with ‘Lincoln’, Amanda with ‘Delorian’, Paula with ‘Merlin’, Margaret with ‘Sam’ and Lindsay with ‘Cosmo’

Dogs that passed the silver assessment were Claire with ‘Tilly’, Frances with ‘Skye’, Hilary with ‘Bryn’, Caroline with ‘Linnhe’ and Michelle with ‘Walter’

Many thanks to all who helped make this day a success. Congratulations on all the handlers and their dogs for their richly deserved successes.

Annual General Meeting 2024

NEFRA held their 29th Annual General Meeting of the Northern England Flatcoated Retriever Association held on Sunday 17th March 2024 at The Fenton Manor Sports Complex, City Road, Fenton, Stoke -on -Trent, ST4 2RR.

At the AGM the following awards were announced:

Winning the President’s Cup

Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine JW. Winner of the 2023 NEFRA President’s Cup.
  1. Mrs V Bowen Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine JW
  2. Mrs K & Mr D Joyce Stranfaer One Fell Swoop
  3. Mrs V Davis & Mrs J Egginton Go With The Flow Dynamic Faithful (IMP NLD)

Winning the Ceilidh Cup

Mr Andy Sweeney – Maddistream Black Powder of Wolfthistle

Winning the Nellspeace Plate

Mrs Helen Fox being awarded the Nellspeace Plate by Charlotte Simons and Anne Haley

Treasurer (3 years)
Mr D Taylor continues as Treasurer for a further three year term.

Hon. Working Secretary (3 years)
Following her co-option to the post last year Mrs. C. Simons continues as Working Secretary for two more years to complete her three year term.

Committee Vacancies (5 posts)
Mrs. H Buckley, Mr C. Hewison, Mr G Richards, Mrs V. Burroughs continue for a further 3 year term and Mrs A Hayley continues for a two year term.


Cooks Lane House,
Cooks Lane, Bradnop, Leek.
Staffs. ST13 7HA

(£15 joint, £10 single and £7 seniors)


KC Working Gundog Certificate, Roby Mill, Wigan 10th February 2024


Link to the KC website

Nefra hosted a Kennel Club Gundog Working Certificate on dummies on the 10th February. Our assessors for the day were Mrs Caroline Hewison and Mr Phil Smithies.

We had 8 dogs entered and 5 passed. They were put their paces with steadiness, blinds, heel work and retrieves. A list of awarded dogs are below;

Sonya Jenkinson with flatcoat Skybrook Rock Me

Stephanie Hurstfield with flatcoat Thurwitt Chiquitita

Steve Burns with Labrador Tallamelie Sparkly Ring at Jollybrow

Cath Burns with Labrador Tallamelie Bridesmaid at Jollybrow

Helen Fox with flatcoat Satinbaze Cracksman for Blacktoft JW.

Subscriptions Due 1st Jan 2024

It would help our treasurer a lot if you could ensure your bank standing order matches the following rates:

  • Single – £10
  • Joint – £15
  • Overseas Single – £14
  • Overseas Joint – £20
  • Senior Citizens / Gamekeepers / Juniors – £6

For full membership details, please follow this lnk

Breed Appreciation Day – Sunday 8th October

Ringtail House, 5a Ringtail Place, Ormskirk, Burscough, L40 8LA

Comments from Our Dogs Breed Notes 20/10/23

Paula Goulette reports “We had 19 people attend and it went very well judging by our feedback forms.  A very interesting breed talk from Louise Jones and Sandra Stevenson followed by MCE for those eligible* (10 out of 12 people passing).  Those who passed exam went over eight dogs after lunch with our four mentors, Louise Jones, Sandra Stevenson, Karen Joyce and Helen Fox.  Those who hadn’t taken the MCE but wished to stay after lunch had an informal hands on with Hayley Walker”.

Karen Joyce added “We had loads of committee help, there were 8 dogs for the afternoon mentoring session ranging from 5 months to 11 years of age, the majority of people attending were not flatcoat owners which made the wonderful feedback even more special and finally being NEFRA there was loads of cake!!

*To take the Multiple Choice Exam (MCE) candidates must have met all the requirements of the JEP** level 1

** for details of all levels of JEP requirements please visit 

Peter Riches (Solotown)

It is with sadness that we have heard of the recent death of Peter Riches of the Solotown affix.

Peter was instrumental in the birth of NEFRA being the person who called and arranged our inaugural meeting at Harwood Village Hall. He opened and led the meeting until a committee and officers were voted on from the meeting floor, at which time neither he or his partner Sally were elected so he passed the meeting over to the committee to continue.

It was Sally who originally had the flatcoats, Peter becoming involved with them through meeting her. They also had whippets, Ibizan hounds and field spaniels in their later years.

A keen supporter of the show scene in the 1980s and 90s Peter later moved to Denmark with Sal where they continued to work and show their dogs making new flatcoat friends over there.

On our Facebook page Bente Sand commented:

Dear Peter Riches Facebook friends
Yesterday I received a call from the Danish police that Peter has unfortunately passed away 💔
The Danish authorities would very much like to get in touch with Peter’s family members, so those of you who are related to him or know of his family would you please be so kind as to send me a private message or contact me on phone no. +45 29855798
I know Peter is now reunited with his beloved Sally and all their beautiful Solotown dogs❤️

Training Day – Welbeck

Nefra held our first training day of the year today at Welbeck estate near Clumber Park, Worksop. Our trainers for the day were Andy Sweeney and Gary Ellison.

We had an early novice/ beginners group in the morning, covering some back to basics and obedience exercises. And an Intermediate group in the afternoon covering a walk up exercise with marks in front and behind with some blinds and directional work also.

It was a breezy day so our trainers also spoke to the intermediate group about which side of the wind the dogs should be on to give them the best success.

Many thanks to the Welbeck Estate for having us and the trainers for giving up their time.

NEFRA Annual General Meeting 2023

Our 28th Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday 19th March 2023 at The Fenton Manor Sports Complex, Stoke-on-Trent

The annual awards presentations were made for the President’s Cup, the Inca Trophy and, for the very first time, a new award – the Nellspeace Plate.

A presentation and vote of thanks was also made thanking Caroline Hewison for her twelve years as our Hon Working Secretary.