On 23rd February 2020 NEFRA held a KC Working Gundog Certificate day on dummies at Roby Mill, Wigan, by very kind permission of Sarah Marflow.
Eight dogs representing four different breeds took part with assessors Phil Smithies and Caroline Hewison. The ground is lovely, with everything needed for the day and wonderful hospitality from Sarah. Sausage butties to start and then lunch and a delicious venison and goose stew (thank you Lisa!) at the finish.
The exercises included off lead heelwork, a jumping exercise over or through (!) an obstacle, a mock drive and steadiness exercise. A walk up with some dogs standing and some beating. A hunting exercise and finally the water retrieve. The dogs were certainly put through their paces.
Thank you to Chris Hewison and Darren Meredith Brooks for their dummy throwing skills today, Charlotte and Shirt Monkey for the lovely certificates, and Garry for having a 4×4 that could tow people out of mud!
The successful dogs:
Garry Ellison and Ollersett Black Knight (FCR)
Charlotte Smith and Castlerock First Glance at Whirlymere (FCR)
Anne Haley and Castlerock Return to Sender at Skybrook (FCR)
Sue Sinnott and Millola Handsome Man (FCR)
Lisa Mappin and Casblaidd Abyssinian (Cocker)
Dave Compton and Franeo Fowlers Lone Ranger (Chesapeake Bay Ret.)
Well done everyone, well deserved!
Now to clean the mud off everything!!