Our ever popular training day for flatcoats was held once again on 1st June 2019.
Thank you to all who came along to our Hesketh Bank training, a fantastic turnout of dogs across all four classes!
Huge thanks as always to our trainers – Warren Jones, Steve Burns, Derek Miller and Garry Ellison, especially for standing out in all that rain in the morning! Thank you also to all who threw dummies (Malcolm, Peter and Colin) who also got very wet! and to those who answered my plea to help with the catering in the morning, and generally helped in any way
Thanks to our sponsors Skinners and also a big thank you to Caro Dell from WorkingLine Images for braving the rain this morning!
Trainers choice awards were given to Charlotte and Chance, Lorraine and Keira, Linda and Kenzie and Caroline and Aros, thanks everyone for coming, hope you all had a good day!
Here are the photos taken by Caro Dell