After 13 years in the role of Working Secretary for NEFRA Caroline Hewison has made the difficult decision to step down at our March 2023 AGM, we will be sorry to lose her and thank her for all she has done for the Association.
Our AGM notification has already been sent to members informing them of the time, date and officer / committee posts up for election. This vacancy for Hon. Working Secretary is in addition to those posts already mentioned.
Hon. Working Secretary (1 year)
Due to our current working secretary stepping down a vacancy has arisen for 1 year (to complete the term of office), nominations for the above post are sought and should be sent to the Hon. Secretary Miss. H Walker from the proposer, together with a letter from the seconder and written agreement from the person proposed. Proposals should arrive by Friday 17th February. The proposed person and either their proposer or seconder must be in attendance at the AGM and be prepared to address the meeting.
N.B. Only people who have been a member of NEFRA for a minimum of 3 years are eligible to stand for officer or committee posts.