Tributes to a gentle man


Peter Forster
Mr Peter Forster BVSc MRCVS

It is with great sadness to report that our President Mr Peter Forster passed away at his home in Staffordshire last night. Peter was a long-term supporter of the Association and was a familiar face to many of us.

Our thoughts are with his family at this time.

A tribute to Peter Forster by NEFRA Committee Member – Dennis Orme

We first met Peter in the late 70`s. Having just lost our family Labrador we were looking to get another dog and a friend told us about her vet who had these beautiful black dogs, which was our first introduction to Audrey and Peter. Audrey, a lady who said it as it was, and Peter, a quiet gentleman, and as we found out the perfect team.

Audrey once told me that with Peter “What you see is what you get “just how wrong she was, there was much more to Peter than met the eye. He was a font of knowledge and would give help and advice whenever he was asked for it, he was always an unassuming man who shunned the limelight.

Peter was always there for anyone at any time. He was our introduction to working the dogs. On many a wet dark evening, after a training session, he would still be talking at midnight having brought flasks of coffee and cups. He would never be rushed. His patient and gentle way with animals amazed us and many others whom he has helped over the years. I have seen him separate two beaters dogs, intent on killing each other, by kneeling down and talking to them. He took time out to treat injured dogs and would accept nothing in return. He arrived on the shoot one day and was limping and very withdrawn but wouldn’t tell us why. I phoned Audrey that evening to see how he was. She said that it was only his pride that was hurt because for the first time ever a horse had kicked him.

Whenever Peter judged we were interested to see what he looked for in a dog. When talking to him afterwards he admitted he never knew who the owners were but recognised the breeding lines and pedigrees of the dogs he put up.

I served as his vice-chairman on the NEFRA committee and learned much from him. He was always prepared to listen and help anyone. Our committee will be the poorer without him.
Val and I owe much to Peter and I am pleased that I had the opportunity to speak to him on the telephone a few days before his passing. I will miss a good friend and mentor and Val will miss her ‘Second Dad’.

The breed will be the poorer without him and if we can only know just a small percentage of what he knew we will be much wiser.
Our thoughts are with Claire, Alison, Louise and their families at this sad time, the world is a richer place because of him.

Peter, a true and irreplaceable GENTLE – MAN, who never had a bad word for anyone.
Rest in peace with Audrey, God bless, you will never be forgotten.