Working Retriever Assessment – July 2018

NEFRA held a Working Retriever Assessment at Garstang today, by kind permission of the Fitzherbert-Brockholes family.

This is a lovely venue and some good tests were set by our judges Chris Hewison and Gill Griffin. Thanks also to Malcolm Awty and Peter Griffin for throwing dummies.

In the Novice level passes were awarded to
Lisa-Jane Mappin and Casblaidd Valdoonican
Mags Brayfield and Contar Skeggles Water

Mags Brayfield and Contar Skeggles Water
Mags Brayfield and Contar Skeggles Water
Lisa-Jane & Heath
Lisa-Jane Mappin and Casblaidd Valdoonican

In the Intermediate level a pass was awarded to
Gill Awty and Venetian Red at Maddistream.

Gill & Indie
Gill Awty and Venetian Red at Maddistream


Well done, and thanks to everyone for coming.