NEFRA visited Roby Mill near Wigan today to run the working retriever assessments.
Many thanks to Sarah Marflow for her wonderful hospitality, she looked after us so well. Despite the rain we all had a lovely day.
Thank you to Chris Hewison and Lisa Mappin for judging the novice, with helpers Peter Griffin and Caroline Hewison.Thank you to Gill Griffin for judging the intermediate, with helpers Peter Griffin and David Foster.
Passes in the novice level were awarded to:
Anne Haley and Castlerock Return to Sender at Skybrook
Gill Griffin and Ravencrag Illusionist
Al Moore and Sachbash Prince Olly Moore
Garry Ellison and Ollersett Black Knight completed their third pass and were awarded their novice certificate.

In the intermediate level, two dogs were awarded passes:
Caroline Hewison and Casblaidd Island in the Sky
Sue Sinnott and Millola Handsome Man
Well done everyone and thank you all for coming on such a wet day! Details about the water training sessions at the same venue, for the pups and beginners who have booked on next week, will be sent out early next week.