Seminar February 1999

Our first event of 1999 was a seminar held on 20th February at Kirk Deighton.

Mr Frank Kane

Mr Frank Kane

Mr Bob Allen

Mr Bob Allen

Our speakers were Mr Frank Kane, whose subject was ‘Construction and Movement’ and Mr Bob Allen on the Breed Standard and Stewarding.  In the afternoon we had 18 dogs with their handlers for their handlers.  They very patiently allowed everyone there to go over them and make their own notes.  After tea we had six championship show judges who assessed three of the dogs each and gave a verbal commentary on them.  It was interesting to see the difference in approach shown by the various judges.

It was most enlightening and we all, even the championship show judges, should have learnt a lot.  It is so important that we all keep open minds and continue to widen our knowledge of our breed even if we never intend to enter a show ring or compete in the field.  It can only enhance the pleasure of owning a flatcoat.

Audrey Forster 1999