Category Archives: NEFRA

Spring Working Test 2023 – Roanlodge, Buxton

NEFRA held our Spring working test today at Roanlodge, hosted with thanks by Lesley Morgan and sponsored by Skinners.

We had 3 Judges, who were David Bellamy, Warren Jones and Alan Richardson. A huge thankyou to our judges for giving up their day. 

A huge thankyou to all the helpers and dummy throwers. Without them we couldn’t hold these events.

The weather started off overcast and cold however as the day went on the sun came out and so did the wind. The weather made for a great day and a challenge for the afternoon dogs. 

We had 5 puppies and 5 NDNHs in the morning with an obedience test, a blind down a track, a straight mark and a mark in water. 

One award was given in puppy to Andy Sweeney’s Wolfthistle Clementine.

Unfortunately, although all the dogs performed well, no awards were given in the NDNH class. However these types of events are great for giving NDNH experience at working tests. 

We started the 14 Novice dogs before lunch which had 4 tests. These tests were a mix of marks, blinds, water and jumps with our three judges. 

Novice placings are as follows;

No first was awarded. 

2nd Julie Mattthew’s Ollersett Black Knight

3rd Helen Fox’s Satinbaze Cracksman for Blacktoft JW

4th David Foster’s Kenyten Styx

COM Margaret Brayfield’s Contar Skeggles Water

We then started our 6 Intermediate dogs in the afternoon. The sun came out and the dogs all enjoyed themselves over this beautiful venue with a mixture of marks, blinds and a walk up. 

The results are as follows; 

1st Garry Ellison’s Ollersett Shimmering Nymph

2nd Caroline Hewison’s Casblaidd Island in the Sky KCWGC SGWC

3rd Andy Sweeney’s Maddistream Black Powder of Wolfthistle

4th Julie Matthew’s Ollersett Black Diamond

Peter Riches (Solotown)

It is with sadness that we have heard of the recent death of Peter Riches of the Solotown affix.

Peter was instrumental in the birth of NEFRA being the person who called and arranged our inaugural meeting at Harwood Village Hall. He opened and led the meeting until a committee and officers were voted on from the meeting floor, at which time neither he or his partner Sally were elected so he passed the meeting over to the committee to continue.

It was Sally who originally had the flatcoats, Peter becoming involved with them through meeting her. They also had whippets, Ibizan hounds and field spaniels in their later years.

A keen supporter of the show scene in the 1980s and 90s Peter later moved to Denmark with Sal where they continued to work and show their dogs making new flatcoat friends over there.

On our Facebook page Bente Sand commented:

Dear Peter Riches Facebook friends
Yesterday I received a call from the Danish police that Peter has unfortunately passed away 💔
The Danish authorities would very much like to get in touch with Peter’s family members, so those of you who are related to him or know of his family would you please be so kind as to send me a private message or contact me on phone no. +45 29855798
I know Peter is now reunited with his beloved Sally and all their beautiful Solotown dogs❤️

Water Day – Budby

Nefra held a training day in Budby, Nottinghamshire on Monday 1st May. Our trainers for the day were Andy Sweeney and Gary Ellison. This training had water available for the dogs and handlers to use so we took advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

We had an advanced novice and intermediate groups in a morning session. The trainers covered water retrieves and how to direct your dog for a land retrieve when water is close by, which is always a challenge for this breed who love to swim!

There was plenty of space so the trainers also tested the dogs outside of their comfort zone with longer retrieves. They all handled the extra distance really well.

Many thanks to the land owner Andrew Naish and the keeper Phil Swan for hosting us on this fantastic day.

Training Day – Welbeck

Nefra held our first training day of the year today at Welbeck estate near Clumber Park, Worksop. Our trainers for the day were Andy Sweeney and Gary Ellison.

We had an early novice/ beginners group in the morning, covering some back to basics and obedience exercises. And an Intermediate group in the afternoon covering a walk up exercise with marks in front and behind with some blinds and directional work also.

It was a breezy day so our trainers also spoke to the intermediate group about which side of the wind the dogs should be on to give them the best success.

Many thanks to the Welbeck Estate for having us and the trainers for giving up their time.

NEFRA Annual General Meeting 2023

Our 28th Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday 19th March 2023 at The Fenton Manor Sports Complex, Stoke-on-Trent

The annual awards presentations were made for the President’s Cup, the Inca Trophy and, for the very first time, a new award – the Nellspeace Plate.

A presentation and vote of thanks was also made thanking Caroline Hewison for her twelve years as our Hon Working Secretary.

Working Secretary

After 13 years in the role of Working Secretary for NEFRA Caroline Hewison has made the difficult decision to step down at our March 2023 AGM, we will be sorry to lose her and thank her for all she has done for the Association.

Photo courtesy of Caro Dell – Workingline Images

Our AGM notification has already been sent to members informing them of the time, date and officer / committee posts up for election. This vacancy for Hon. Working Secretary is in addition to those posts already mentioned.

Hon. Working Secretary (1 year)

Due to our current working secretary stepping down a vacancy has arisen for 1 year (to complete the term of office), nominations for the above post are sought and should be sent to the Hon. Secretary Miss. H Walker from the proposer, together with a letter from the seconder and written agreement from the person proposed. Proposals should arrive by Friday 17th February. The proposed person and either their proposer or seconder must be in attendance at the AGM and be prepared to address the meeting.

N.B. Only people who have been a member of NEFRA for a minimum of 3 years are eligible to stand for officer or committee posts.

NEFRA’s Championship Show – 6th November 2022

NEFRA’s 14th Championship Show
Venue Biddulph
Judge (Dogs) Mrs M Romeo-Dieste (Hopevalley)
Judge (Bitches) – Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)
Referee Mrs R Bellamy (Woodfinch)

Rosette, sash and the Waterwitch Trophy
Rosette and The Crathorne Trophy
Rosette, sash and trophy
BEST VETERAN IN SHOWselected from the winners of Veteran classes only Rosette, sash and trophy101 Reynolds’ CH WICCANSSAGE HUGO’S DREAM JW SGWC 
Best in Show – Vicky Crossley’s Wyrebeck Caught by Surprise

Here are the results:

Mrs M Romeo-Dieste’s Judge Critique

Thank you to the committee for the honour of judging this show, which was originally postponed due to Covid. Thank you also to the exhibitors for a lovely entry.

I mentioned when I judged in 2018 that mouths need to be watched and this is still the case.  Feet are also a worry. I found many dogs with over long claws which spoilt what was an otherwise acceptable foot. The good feet stood out and they should be the norm. I found fewer short upper arms than previously which is a move in the right direction. 

On the plus side I was pleased to find dogs of the correct medium size and some beautifully moulded heads. I was very happy with my final line up and there were 4 dogs that I was considering for the CC/RCC

My co judge, Frank Whyte, and I were in complete agreement on the main awards. Congratulations to all the winners.

Veteran Dog (4)
This was a lovely class of naughty veterans

1st Reynold’s Ch Wiccanssage Hugo’s Dream JW SGWC
He presents a very balanced outline and is in full coat and hard condition. A lovely head and a very naughty expression. He has quality bone, correct depth and length of rib and correct elbows. He won the class and subsequently the RCC & BVIS on his accurate movement, showing plenty of drive and forward reach.

2nd Fox’s Ch Black Mica’s Like It Hot at Blacktoft JW SGWC (Imp Swe)
Taller than one with more leg length. He has enough depth to his rib and he is correct in loin. He has a good front with pronounced brisket and a moderately turned rear. On the move he was steady and accurate. 

3rd Neilsen’s Multi Ch Starworkers You Keep Surprising Me
This boy is stronger all through than the first two and not as animated on the move. He has a strong topline and well set tail which never stopped wagging. He has a good length of neck and well laid shoulders. 

Special Veteran (1, 1abs)

Minor Puppy Dog (8, 1abs)
This was a lovely class and bodes well for the future, all very close in age.

1st Buckley’s Blacktoft Brindisi By Buckleyhill
7mth old with a beautifully moulded head a sweet expression. He won this class on his well developed front and super tight feet. He is at just the right stage of development for his age with deep rib, short loin and moderately angulated rear. On the move he was a little sluggish at first but he came alive when asked to move a little quicker. 

2nd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy
Taller than 1 but not unbalanced. Another with a lovely head and eye. He has a good length of neck and level topline. He has quality bone and tight feet. He moved well in profile but I preferred the rear movement of 1.

3rd Wild’s Bitcon Alliance With Bluewaters (AI)
Completed a trio of good puppies. This boy is a little rangier at the moment but all the essentials are there. His head is very typical. He has clean lines a stands on excellent bone and feet. His tail is correctly set and on the move he was accurate and carries himself well.

Puppy Dog (4)

1st Colson’s Windyhollows Ragged Robin
What a super puppy of almost 11mths. Once settled he presents a super outline with well placed shoulders and correct length and return of upper arm. His topline is level and leads to his nicely set ever wagging tail. He already shows maturity through the body and in coat with plenty of feathering. His rear is moderate showing good width of second thigh. He covered the ground well on the move maintaining a lovely outline. Happy to award him BPIS over his very beautiful sister. I will watch them both with interest. 

2nd King’s Kingsisla Isle Of Lewis
4th in MPD who gave away some in development. He has an attractive head with neat ears. He is moderately angulated all through and is in good condition. I would like a little more animation which would lift his profile. Moved steadily. 

3rd Burrough’s I Know Him So Well at Rokaness 
This boy is stronger all through than the first 2. He has a dark eye and neat ears. He has strength in his neck and shoulders and depth to his rib. He has a thick coat which makes him look a little stuffy at the moment. Moved well.

Junior Dog (3)
This was a difficult class due to all 3 being different in type and size.

1st Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Goblet Of Fire JW 
This young boy has an attractive head and naughty expression. Good length of neck to well placed shoulders and super tailset from his level topline. He has a pronounced forechest and is deep enough in rib and good length to his loin. I would like more of him all through for a male and tighter feel but he was the most balanced and accurate mover here which gave him the class.

2nd Churchard’s Flatcharm Griffin Dark at Churchking
Upstanding dog who is rangier at the moment. Pleasing head and expression with good length of neck. He stands on quality bone and tight feet with good body proportions. He gave his handler a very hard time on the move where is was too busy having fun to show himself off. 

3rd Gulbis’ Blacklake Lysander For Gayplume
A taller dog, this boy not as together as the first 2. He has a good body with short loin, he has enough bone and good feet. He was steady on the move, being straight both ways.

Yearling Dog (5, 1abs)

1st Youens’ Riverglide Secret Reprieve
Lots to like about this boy from his nicely moulded head to his well set tail. He has excellent lay of shoulder and has good length of body. He has correct length and return of upper arm with well placed elbows. His rear balances his front angulation with good second thigh. Quality bone and well arched toes. He is in excellent coat and condition.

2nd Hessing’s Hoedun Daddy’s Eyes at Montechor
A different type to 1 and not so pleasing in head. He is balanced through the body and has enough angulation both ends. Well boned with tight feet. He was a little erratic on the move today

3rd Turner’s Torwood Galactic Flyer
Not has mature as the first 2, this boy will need time. He has moderation in his body and short loin. He has adequate bone and enough coat I would like more width to his rear and tighter feet. Well schooled and handled. 

Novice Dog (4)

1st Prior’s Gemswin Shut Up And Dance
An easy winner of this class. An honest workman like dog. He has a typical head and expression. He is moderately angulated front and rear with a full coat which is in great condition. He covered the ground well on a good stride. 

2nd Turner’s Torwood Galactic Flyer

3rd Burrough’s I Know Him So Well at Rokaness

Graduate Dog (7,2abs)

1st Crossley’s Wyrebeck Caught By Surprise
This boy presents a very typical out line of moderation with no exaggeration. Nicely moulded head, correct shoulders giving good length of neck. He has lovely length and return of upper arm well placed elbows enabling him to move cleanly in front. He shows good length of rib and short loin. His rear is well developed with short hocks which gives him drive. His profile movement is easy and accurate. In the challenge he continued to take my eye and eventually his first CC. I was delighted when my co judge agreed to him being BIS. Congratulations. 

2nd Neilsen’s Black Amandas Xcuse Me Ladies
A liver of good colour who is racier than my winner. He has a lovely head with good eye colour, His rib is deep enough but he is another who will take time to mature and develop but the foundation is there. He stands on good feet and moved well showing good extension.

3rd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Angel Wiv Attitude
A smaller type, in hard condition. He has good eye shape and colour but I would like a little more refinement to his head. His shoulders are well laid and he has a good topline, His front and rear angulation are balanced with good bone and tight feet. He was a little erratic on the move today. 

Post Graduate Dog (4,1abs)

1st Flynn’s Ballyriver Back To Basics
Mature dog in full coat, on the smaller side. He has a beautifully moulded head with dark eye. Adequate lay of shoulder with good angulation to his upper arm. He is very deep through the body with a well developed rear and short hocks. In excellent coat and hard condition. He moved with good extension in profile. 

2nd Protheroe’s Manteauplat Tom Putt For Ynysddu
This dog has to be done over to be appreciated. He has a classically moulded head with correct fill and eye shape. He has great reach of neck and well laid shoulders, showing correct substance all through. His correct angulation was evident in his movement. 

3rd Gulbis’ Blacklake Angelo For Gayplume
Upstanding dog and not as together as the first two. He has adequate angulation at both ends with good depth to his chest. Moved steadily.

Limit Dog (11,1abs) 

1st Flynn’s Finhamspride Kovu Among Rodsdream
Beautifully balanced with mature coat and feathering, He has a good topline leading to his correctly set, ever wagging tail. He is well developed in thigh, but I would like a more moderate turn of stifle. Free standing he tends to spoil himself by pushing his head back which cost him in the challenge. 

2nd Holland’s Flatcharm Mayhem Miller
Of racier type than one and still only young in Flatcoat terms. He has classic head and super expression. Well laid shoulder and correct length of upper arm. Quality bone and tight feet,  good length of back and well set tail. He is full coat and hard condition. He moved out well in profile. 

3rd Neilsen’s Toyota Da Real Corte
A workman like boy who is very moderate all through. Good head with kind expression. He shows good body properties and balance. He was steady on the move. 

Open Dog (4)

1st Macdonald’s ShCh Derringwood English Oak
Quality dog with a lovely head and kind expression. Lovely forehand angulation with a pronounced forechest and a balanced rear. He has super bone and feet and is in full coat. He moved well covering the ground with ease.  

2nd Scaife’s Flatcharm Mr Fix It for Shennanjoy
Another who needs to be gone over to appreciate him. He is moderately constructed all through with good length and return of upper arm. Moved well but I would like to see him outside. 

3rd Bellamy’s Bochilbarley Blue Moon (AI)
A different type, he is a medium sized dog with a pleasing head. He has adequate bone and good feet. Deep rib of correct length. He is in good condition but short on coat today. Moved accurately. 

Champion Dog (2)

1st Reynold’s Ch Wiccanssage Hugo’s Dream JW SGWC
This class gave me a headache with two boys I liked very much. Both very worthy Champions.  1 just had to edge in profile movement which gave him the class. This could easily change on another day. Thank you for bringing them both. 

2nd Macdonald’s ShCh Derringwood English Oak

Special Liver Dog (1)

1st Shepherdson’s Murphy’s Treat
Attractive head with good eye colour. Balanced in angulation. Rich liver coat. Moved steadily and was attentive to his handler. 

Special Working Dog (2)

1st Hewison’s Casblaidd Island In The Sky SGWC
Well grown dog in full coat and feathering. He has an attractive head and eye. Good bone but would prefer tighter feet. Mature body and short loin with moderate rear. He moved straight and true. 

2nd Gardner’s Kulawand Kookaburra for Svenjack SGWC
Stronger dog from the veteran class and enjoying his day. He was just losing his outline and was a bit tired at the end of the day which reflected in his movement. 

Mandy Romeo-Dieste

Mr Frank H Whyte’s Judge’s Critique

It was both a pleasure and an honour to judge this well-run, Club Championship Show and my sincere thanks to my very helpful Stewards, the Club Officials, Committee and helpers, for making the day special.  I found the exhibits on a whole to be well presented, with typical wagging tails, medium sized and confident. Heads as a rule were of good length and nicely moulded but there were one or two thick back-skulls and a few level bites.  Eye colour and shape were good.  To highlight main concerns for this wonderful breed going forward I would have to say, movement, not straight and true, some loose fronts and rears lacking second thigh, width and drive. From previous appointments I found more exhibits to be short in length of leg to body proportions, which gives a longer cast body and more cobby /mature appearance than the required raciness without weediness.  I would like to thank all the exhibitors for being so sporting on the final placings.

These three ladies were both a credit to their owners and of good overall quality, headed by

1st 26 Egginton & Davis’ GO WITH THE FLOW DYNAMIC FAITHFUL (IMP NED) feminine head with good eye, ears and expression.  Moderate neck into good shoulder. Good bone legs and compact feet. Good depth of body, holds firm outline with good tail carriage. Well angled rear and presented in good coat and condition

2nd 73 Knight & Jacob’s SH CH MOONSTRUCK MACADAMIA JWW15 At 9 yrs another in very good condition.  Feminine moulded head piece with good eye.  Liked her type balance and size, good neck into well assembled front.  Strong loin and covered ground with steady action, close to one but just felt winner held slight firmer profile going round today.

3rd 57 Holmes’ WICCANSSAGE VIRTUE AT RYDANAH Feminine head of good shape, nice eye and expression, liked her type and size. Good bone and legs and good rib. Also presented in good coat and condition moved with steady gait and another that has much to like. 


1st 9 Campbell’s RONEVORG MADAME BUTTERFLY Headed this lovely class of young ladies at differing stages of development, feminine head of good length with well-placed dark eye and good ears.  Clean neck into body of good depth, nice rib, well set tail. Good legs and feet and presented in good coat and condition. Moved well with good front reach and holding balanced profile. Lots of promise.

2nd 122 Williams’ WISTASTON ALL ABOUT LOVE (AI) Another promising youngster with good head, eye and expression. Good bone legs and rib, also, stands on good feet.  Tail well set and carried also presented in good coat and condition. Liked her type and shape and moved with steady gait round the ring holding nice top line.

3rd 66 Joyce’s STRANFAER ONE FELL SWOOP Making a quality trio, very slightly smaller cast at this stage, but was balanced, good bone and also has many breed qualities, good head, neck, fore chest, rib and well-set tail. Presented in good coat and condition and moved with steady action, close to one and two.


1st 93 Price & Nicholls’ WINDYHOLLOWS ENGLISH HOLLY AT LLANTRUSSA Feminine head, dark eye of good shape, slight stop and strong jaw and good ears. Liked her size, nice bone, length of leg and in good body condition and good coat. Well-developed rear and tail well set on. Liked her type and holds good outline going round with free steady action. BPB

2nd 66 Joyce’s STRANFAER ONE FELL SWOOP As Previous

3rd 113 Tennant & Duckett’s ARICDELL THE LOVING KIND Feminine head good eye. Liked her size, rib, loin and overall outline. Good tail and feet and presented in good coat. Moved with steady stride.


1st 13 Chambers’ HOTOTO PRETTY BALLERINA JW Very nice type shape and size. Feminine head of good length, dark eye good ears.  Clean neck into well laid shoulder good depth, rib, short loin and well-set tail. Well angled rear and won this class on steady free action. Presented in good condition but not quite in full jacket today.

2nd 77 Mellor’s FLATCHARM GUILTY PLEASURE Also feminine, racy with good head piece and eye, good neck and body shape. Tail well set and has quality bone. Moved with free gait holding nice top line.  Very well presented and close to winner.

3rd 109 Stewart’s ESKSIDE A KIND OF MAGIC Feminine and has lovely balance, good bone head piece and eye. Good legs and feet and presented in good coat and condition. Has a steady action, prefer a bit more drive and needs to come out herself more to show off her qualities.


1st 82 Nielsen’s STARWORKERS FLIP A COIN Feminine racy of good size shape and breed type.  Good head eye and depth of body. Liked her size, legs and stands on good feet. Needs time to fill in the frame, prefer a touch shorter loin but presented in good condition and holds firm outline.  Moved with good rear action and front reach. Promising with much to like.

2nd 97 Rees’ BRAEMIST NEW MOON FOR ESKWINDS Nice head shape and eye with good expression. Moderate neck into body of good depth. Well sprung rib, strong loin. Good legs and feet. Presented in good coat and condition and moved steady gait holding nice top line.


1st 55 Holmes’ RYDANAH DEVILS IN THE DETAIL Medium sized feminine with well-proportioned body, good legs and feet. Good rib and well angled rear. Tail well set. Moved with steady front and rear action holding best profile, Presented in good coat and condition.

2nd 22 Curtis’ OLLIEART’S WILDEST DREAMS A youngster of good type and frame. Good legs and feet, has a feminine head with good eye, clean neck into balanced body. Moved with good gait, needs time to develop and fill in. Lots to like.


1st 103 Richards’ HOPEVALLEY MORNING RIVER THROUGH KIMBERFIELD Medium sized, balanced, nice bone and was the most together on the move to win this nice class. Feminine head of good length and muzzle. Good eye colour and shape well placed ears of good size. Moderate neck into body of good depth with good legs and feet. Presented in very good coat and condition.

2nd 35 Gardiner’s BITCON TAYLOR MADE FOR SVENJAK Very close to winner and may change places on another day. Feminine racy with head of good shape, nice eye and expression, good ears.  Good length neck into well laid shoulder, good bone and straight legs and very well presented. Moved with steady gait and nice front reach

3rd 14 Chambers’ HOTOTO’S POLLY TOODLE Pleasing head with good eye colour. Ears well placed. Good neck into body of good shape and depth, good bone legs and feet. Tail well set and in good body condition.  Moved well just needs a bit more finish to complete the picture.


1st 85 Orme’s HOPEVALLEY MORNING DREAM OF ELMSTOCK Feminine nicely moulded head with good eye and expression.  Good ears well set on. Clean neck into well laid shoulder. Good legs and feet. Good, depth of body and nice rib, short loin and well angled rear. Tail well set and very well presented. Young and just need a little more time and finish to complete the picture.  Covered ground with steady free action.

2nd 10 Campbell’s RONEVORG WHISPERING ANGEL Lovely overall quality and type, balanced well proportioned body and has good bone, legs and feet. Feminine head with good eye and ears, moved with nice rear drive, but, not in her best jacket today, typy and what you see is what you get.

3rd 81 Nielsen’s STARWORKERS ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Feminine, racy and of good size, good bone. Liked her head shape. neck and depth of body. Moved with good front action and nice outline not quite the rear drive of one and two. Presented in good condition.

CLASS: 24 – LIMIT BITCH 18 (4)

1st 104 Ross’ ISLSTROM AILA Headed this very nice class, Feminine head with good skull stop and muzzle. Nice eye colour and shape. Ears of good size. Clean neck into medium sized body of good depth. Good legs and feet. Tail well set and carried. Well angled rear.  Presented in very good coat and condition, moderate, and held the most balanced picture when covering the ground, at the correct pace, to win this good class & BCC 

2nd 54 Holland’s WOODFINCH HIGHLAND FAIRY FOR FLATCHARM Another who was balanced feminine, good size and of good proportions. Feminine moulded head with good eye. Moderate neck into good body, legs and feet. Moves with nice free action and front reach, holds good top line. In good condition and very close to winner, needs a little more finish and sure she will change places with one on another day.

3rd 117 Walker’s LIZZLOG FANNY BY GASLIGHT Liked her very much for her type size and shape and balance. Good head shape, skull and muzzle. Nice eye and expression.  Good depth loin and tail. Has good straight legs and the very best feet. Covered ground with nice profile and another girl that needs more finish to complete the picture.

CLASS: 25 – OPEN BITCH 10 (2)

1st 52 Holland’s FLATCHARM BIANCA DEL RIO lovely moulded head with good eye and well-placed ears. Good neck into body of good size. shape and depth. Racy with good length leg and good feet. Tail well set and moderate rear. Moved with good free action and nice front reach. Presented in good coat condition and was very close to the top honours, a girl you have to give serious consideration. Also much to appreciate. Res BCC 

2nd 89 Phipps-Baker & Baker’s NEVER SAY NEVER OASIS OF PEACE TO MADDOUSE Moderate, balanced and of good size and shape.  Well proportioned feminine head.  Presented in good coat condition, good bone and legs. Moved freely with nice drive from rear holding nice outline and good tail carriage.

3rd 32 Fox’s SH CH BLACKTOFT DANCING THE BLUES Feminine head, good eye shape and colour. Good neck, legs, feet and depth of body. Presented in good coat condition. Holds nice profile and has nice front action.  


1st 78 Morrison’s GCHG CH IRONWOOD BE QUICK OR BE DEAD Feminine with good head piece, eye and ears. Liked her size, shape, bone legs and feet.  Presented in very good condition and holds a mature, balanced picture with nice profile and good front reach.  A racy lady with many breed virtues, who was a serious contender for the top honours.

2nd 72 Knight & Jacobs’ SH CH GEMSWIN DRESSED FOR SUCCES Another quality girl. Liked her size shape and breed type. Good head shape and eye. Clean neck into body of good depth, good legs and feet.  Well-developed rear and also very well presented in good coat and condition.  Moved freely, also holds nice quality shape but preferred front reach of winner today


1st 19 Colson’s WINDYHOLLOWS FLAMING KATY A feminine youngster of good size, racy with good length leg and body shape.  A baby who needs time, presented in coat od good dark liver colour and good condition Moved steadily.


1st  50 Hewison’s DONASCIMENTO DANILO FROM CASBLAIDD SGWC KCWGC VW Loved hear head, eye and expression. Good size, body shape and in very good coat and condition. Liked her depth, rib, legs and feet. Moved with steady drive holding nice profile. Very good type.

Mrs R Bellamy’s Judge’s Critique:

I would like to thank the Committee of NEFRA for asking me to judge the Special Members Open Dog or Bitch class, the Brace class and the Junior Handling at this friendly Show which has always been ‘special’ to me.   Sadly, there were no Junior Handlers today, but with great rapport between the handlers in the Brace class, I greatly enjoyed my day.   I was not called upon to carry out any ‘Referee’ duties.


1st Mrs J. Campbell’s very well matched girls.  Stood beautifully, wagging in unison and attentive to their handler.   When asked to move, they flowed round the ring completely together, foot perfect.   Well handled. 

2nd Miss V. M. Sullivan’s lovely pair of dogs.  Not quite as ‘together’ as the 1st place, but moving out well and happily wagging all the way.

3rd. Mrs S, Mrs G & Mr M Knight & Jacobs girls.

Special Members Open Dog or Bitch class:  In memory of Mr George Lancaster. 

1st Mrs S, Mrs G & Mr M Knight & Jacobs Sh. Ch. Gemswin Dressed for Success.  Judged this young lady earlier this year and she still oozes quality.  She has the sweetest head with such a gentle expression.  Good length of neck leading into correct front construction.  Tight elbows, good spring of rib and nice short loin.  Lovely topline and tailset.  Once again, she moved round the ring with confidence and drive.  

2nd Ms H. Fox’s Satinbaze Cracksman for Blacktoft JW (AI).  A handsome boy, almost 5 years old.  A classic head and nice dark eye.  Super construction with good bone and feet.  Looked as though he could do a hard day’s work.  Not in the best of coats today, but well balanced and moved with drive.

3rd Ms H. Fox’s Sh. Ch. Blacktoft Dancing the Blues.  

Roslyn Bellamy (Woodfinch)


New Ground for NEFRA Assessments

NEFRA members are always delighted to be offered the use of a different area to work their dogs, with new distractions, sights, sounds and smells to contend with. Today we also had the added distraction of horses to work our dogs around.

The ground, in the village of Burton Salmon, was offered by NEFRA member David Foster. This isn’t far from Ferrybridge and so wasn’t difficult to access. It provided a very useful lake for water retrieving as well as fields with varying cover and grass length which leant itself to simulate a variety of scenarios typical of a working gundog environment.

Our working secretary, Caroline Hewison, thanked Mr Foster for his generosity in offering the ground – we have been invited to return in a couple of weeks to train in a sugar beet crop. Please note this day is now fully booked.

Garry Ellison and Caroline Hewison were our assessors for the novice dogs this morning. The intermediate level dogs were judged by Cherry Wood this afternoon. All three assessors have been long-standing supporters of the working flat-coated retriever and we would like to thank them for their ongoing help at NEFRA events.

There was one Novice pass this morning: Rochelle Richards handling her dog Hopevalley Morning River through Kimberfield.

The three Intermediate passes were awarded to: Julie Matthews handling Ollerset Black Diamond, Garry Ellison handling Ollersett Black Knight and Caroline Hewison with Casblaidd Island in the Sky (who now has gained all three passes to obtain his Intermediate Certificate). All are pictured here with Cherry Wood.

KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme Assessments


NEFRA hosted a bronze and silver good citizens testing session today, at BarkRun by very kind permission of Charlotte Smith. These are always special days – we also got the opportunity of meeting a lovely Löwchen and a spaniel who were participating

We would like to pass a huge thank you to assessor Nigel Woodall who was so good with the dogs, it was a lovely day all round.

A two minute silence was held at the start of the day to remember Her Majesty The Queen.

Well done to bronze award passes:

Paula and Lyra
Anne and Eddy
Carol and Woody

Well done to the silver award passes:

Chris and Coral
Charlotte and both Chance and Wispa
Sonya and Skye.

NEFRA Puppy, Novice and Veteran Working Test 2022

27th August 2022 – held at Roanlodge Gundog Training Centre near Buxton / Leek by very kind permission of Lesley Morgan. Wonderful hospitality as always and so welcoming!

The tests were for puppies up to 18 months, novices and veterans (over 8 years).

Our judges for the day were Malcolm Peacock, Audrey Ellis and Phil Robinson – thank you to them for giving up their day for the flatcoats.

Thank you to our sponsors Skinners and a huge thank you to all that helped, whether that was stewarding, throwing dummies, placing dummies, firing pistols, and generally helping with running the day, very much appreciated!



1st Sue Rodgers with Signy Never Touching Ground (IMP CZE)
2nd Graham Clelland with Necessares Isle of Coll
3rd Sarah McGeehan with Princess Elsa

Puppy Awards


1st Caroline Hewison with Donascimento Danilo from Casblaidd
2nd Gill Awty with Venetian Red at Maddistream
After a run off
3rd Derek Bull with Keepersway Alana
4th Garry Ellison with Ollsersett Sparkling Nymph
COM Andy Sweeney with Norfolkflyers Rosie’s Thorn of Wolfthistle
COM Judith Hart with Gayplume Cotton Candy

Veteran Awards


1st Caroline Hewison with Casblaidd Island in the Sky
2nd Garry Ellison with Ollersett Shimmering Nymph
3rd Andy Sweeney with Wolfthistle Mr Miracle
COM Chris Hewison with Casblaidd Mirror Lake
COM Fred Newton with Keamarola Just as Good

Novice Test Awards

Well done everyone!!